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What are some specific nutritional concerns for older adults to live a healthy life?

Eating healthy becomes especially important as one age. With passing years, aging leads to multiple changes in the body, including nutritional deficiencies, decreased quality of life, and poor health outcomes. Good nutrition through a balanced diet is recommended at one age but what are some specific things senior adults need to keep in mind for a healthy life.

Let’s begin with the basic— these are the fundamental basic nutrients one should include in their diet:

  • Carbohydrate-rich foods like brown rice, sweet potatoes
  • Protein-rich foods like meats, beans, and lentils
  • At least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables

Apart from the staples, a senior adult’s daily diet should be a mix of the below nutrients-

Omega-3 Fatty Acid Rich Foods

Especially important for senior adults, Omega-3 Fatty Acid helps prevent inflammation, rheumatoid, arthritis, heart disease and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s. More so, it also slows down the progression of Macular Degeneration which leads to poor vision. Include Omega-3 in your elder’s diet by planning fish-based meals, you could also include flaxseed, soybeans, walnuts, and canola oil.

Calcium-Rich Foods

Calcium is essential for one’s bone health and if one is not consumed regularly, the body begins reabsorbing it from the bones. This becomes a concern for senior adults as it has been seen they consume less calcium and thus, making the bones fragile. Include Calcium in your elder’s diet by consuming dairy products like milk, curd, and cheese. One can also plan their meals around leafy green vegetables and cereals fortified with calcium.

Fiber-Rich Foods

As one gets older, due to aging and other various ailments the digestive system weakens over time. It slows down and as a result, may cause constipation. Foods rich in fiber promote a healthy digestive system while also reducing the risk of heart diseases. Include fiber-rich foods like whole-grain bread, brown rice, brown bread, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

Iron-Rich Foods

Iron plays an important role in the functioning of our body as it produces hemoglobin. If one is not consuming enough iron, it leads to a decreased supply of oxygen to the body’s tissues. Iron deficiency may leave people feeling drowsy, lethargic, and overall weak. It also leads to anemia which can take a serious turn by affecting health in old age. Include leafy greens, beetroot, tomatoes for an iron-rich diet plan.

Additionally, one should also include a healthy amount of vitamins like C, D, B12 apart from other minerals like potassium and magnesium. Also, always remember to pick food items with low cholesterol and fat quantity as any higher amount than recommended can cause other health ailments.

Now, you know the essentials one should include in their diet but what other precautions should one take while formulating the diet of a senior adult-

  • Avoid empty calories which lack nutrients such as chips, baked goods, soda, and alcohol
  • Avoid getting dehydrated. Stay hydrated throughout the day with water, soups, and juices.
  • Increase your physical activity. Try helping your older family members do some light exercises, yoga to work up their appetite.

Although these tips should be enough to formulate a senior adult’s diet yet if you need any help Samvedna Senior Care is always ready to provide its services. Choose from their range of services that make sure a well-trained attendant takes care of your elder and their daily needs.

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from Samvedna Senior Care


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