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Do the elderly benefit from home care services?

Imagine elderly people living alone at home struggling to cope with their daily activities. Their frail hands shake and tremble as they hold a cup. How do they manage to do all their work on their own? With shaking hands, failing memories and reduced mobility, the elderly struggle in their later years.

Under such circumstances, some would suggest an old age home but not everyone is happy moving away to an unknown place, leaving their home behind. They would much rather prefer elder home care services that allow them to stay at home and still be cared for.

With advancing age, comes failing health. Some may develop long term conditions that require them to be on daily medication. Some may need surgery and require post-operative care. If they have children living with them, some of these old-age care issues can be addressed. However, it needs to be remembered that children would also be busy with their work-related issues and would be dealing with their crises. This may not leave them with the time to provide 24/7 personal care which the elderly would need. This is where the role of elderly home health care services comes in.

Let us examine the benefits of home care services for the elderly. Why is it the preferred mode of elderly care?

The comfort of familiar surroundings

The comfort of familiar surroundings is very important for the mental wellness of the elderly. Home assistance for the elderly ensures that they are well cared for in their own home. This gives them a sense of comfort and security. It helps in the healing process if they are in post-operative care. Samvedna Care offers home care packages for the elderly where professional caregivers can stay with them and provide them with the assistance they need to carry on with their lives.

No feeling of abandonment

The thought of being sent away to an old age home is scary for most parents. That would be nothing short of a nightmare given the Indian culture of joint families. Children are expected to take care of their parents. Keeping them in the nursing home for post-operative care is a difficult proposition. At the same time, handling all their medical needs at home could be tricky for children while juggling multiple responsibilities. This is where Samvedna Care steps in and offers senior citizen care at home. This is a win-win situation for parents and children.

Children will not feel guilty about abandoning their parents while they focus on other responsibilities. Parents will not feel disappointed as they will be well taken care of by professionals in the comfort of their own home.

Personal Care

A full-time home care attendant will be able to handle all the needs of the elderly. They can help them with their basic needs like taking a shower and personal grooming. They can help them with their meals and ensure that they take their prescribed medication on time. 

Home attendants can also make sure that the medicines are well stocked and available. They can accompany them to the doctor on their regular visits. Home attendants sent from Samvedna Care are trained, professional caregivers. They can monitor the body vitals regularly and raise an alarm if something is irregular.


More than anything else, elderly people yearn for love and companionship in their sunset years. They love reminiscing the past and tend to repeat memorable incidents from the past. They love to have someone paying attention and listening to them carefully. In most homes, the children of elderly parents are so bogged down with their issues that they do not have the time to be full-time companion to them. It is especially hard when one parent has passed on. 

The remaining parent has a tough time handling the personal bereavement of losing their lifetime companion and the emptiness remains a constant source of pain. A home attendant can bring some good cheer to the elderly. They can accompany the senior citizens on their daily walk. They can play a board game with them or watch their favourite show. They can read a book or newspaper out to them and keep them updated about the latest happenings. These are small gestures but they go a long way in cheering up the elderly.

Professional Help

We often see children putting off the option of seeking professional help when it is needed. It is time to remove the guilt complex. There is nothing wrong with seeking professional help where it is needed. Getting old age care at home is a very prudent solution as it can ensure that the elderly are getting the care and attention they deserve. Children need not have the guilt of not being physically present at all times. They can monitor the situation remotely from their workplace and be reassured. Professionals deliver their duties on time and with perfection. The elderly feel comfortable and reassured that they are in safe hands. This keeps them cheerful and positive.

Faster Recovery

It is normally observed that the elderly who have home care assistance tend to recover faster. They also have a reduced chance of being exposed to infection in their own homes as compared to a hospital. The familiar environment helps them to convalesce comfortably and is good for their mental wellness as well.

Peace of Mind

Arranging professional elderly home health care services for the elderly can give you a lot of peace of mind. It gives you the reassurance that your loved ones are well taken care of, even when you are not around. It can be quite heartening to know that the elderly are being looked after and that they won’t fall or hurt themselves while going about their daily chores.


Opting for old age home care gives the elderly the independence to live life as they want, on their terms, in their own homes. They can eat, sleep and socialize according to their normal schedule and they can still go out if they want to. They are not bound by rules and have the flexibility to decide what they want to do. 

Samvedna Care offers home care assistance to the elderly in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida. They have professional caregivers who are well trained to handle the needs of the elderly. Opting for home care assistance for the elderly can make a qualitative difference to their life in their old age.

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from Samvedna Senior Care


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