Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia and affects many of the older adults. It’s a neurological disorder in which the brain cells die, causing memory loss and cognitive decline. Seeing your loved one suffer from Alzheimer’s and his/her memories and skills eroding, seems daunting. There are different stages of Alzheimer’s disease: Mild: The elderly can function independently. However, they might face difficulty in concentrating or remembering recent events. Moderate: Significant memory loss and confusion – the elderly might have difficulty recognizing family members and close friends. Severe: The elderly might require help with all basic daily activities, lose awareness of the surroundings, and not recognize family members. However proper care can make the biggest difference in your loved one’s life. Dementia care proves to be of great help and might slow down the progression of dementia along with improving the quality of the older adult’s life....
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