Are you taking care of a loved one with dementia? With the present lockdown state, is it getting overwhelming? Managing the household chores and taking care of your older adult with dementia can become taxing. As dementia affects the memory, comprehension, language, orientation and judgement ability, you have to take complete care of your elderly. You will have to manage their hygiene, meals, medication and more, which can start affecting you in ways you may have never thought during this quarantine period.
With the coronavirus pandemic, you cannot get any outside help. In fact, you may be spending more time with your older adult with dementia. Is it leading to stress? Are you feeling anxious or disturbed? Well, by taking care of your elderly, you are doing a great job, worthy a thousand applauds. However, you need to take special care of yourself too. If you are experiencing any of the below symptoms, then it’s time you pause and think.
- Feeling overwhelmed all the time
- Getting tired frequently
- Feeling sleepy or not getting enough sleep
- Losing or gaining weight
- Getting angry or irritated easily
- Frequent headache and body ache
- Abuse of alcohol or drugs
- Losing interests in activities
- Feeling sad
Such signs are indicative of a grave concern, which you need to address now. Enumerated below are some of the ways in which you can take care of yourself during these challenging times.
- Relaxing Techniques: There are simple relaxation techniques that can change the home ambience and help relieve stress. You can play some soothing music, which you and your older adult can enjoy. You can also put-up some beautiful and motivating pictures in your room. Each time you feel a little low, sit and practise some deep breathing exercises or meditate for 10-15 minutes to let go of all the stressful thoughts.
- Workout: It is essential that you spare some time every day to exercise. It can be 20-30 minutes of quick workout in the form of yoga, stretches or dancing. It will rejuvenate you and improve your overall well-being.
- Eat Well: Soon after feeding and cleaning your older adult, you should sit and have your meal too. Eating a well-balanced diet is essential as it can take care of your oscillating mood swings, give you the much-needed nourishment and keep fatigue at bay.
- Seek Help: If you have other family members at home, then engage them and try to give yourself some me-time. You can ask young children to sit and play some board games with the elderly, and if there are other adults, then they can help in housework too. It is essential that you seek help from others and give yourself some time off.
- Caregiver Counselling: It is necessary that you talk out. If you are feeling too worked up by providing dementia care, then it will help if you share your concerns. Containing such feelings can harm you in many ways. If you feel the need of getting expert advice, it will help if you approach a professional and discuss the issues that are perturbing. There are specialised caregiver counsellors who can understand you and suggest practical tips and techniques. Whether it is managing the behaviour of your elderly or tips for carrying activities of daily living, a professional counsellor can advise and help.
If you are feeling in a stuck-up state during the lockdown and need someone who can hear-out your concerns and give expert advice, then seek guidance from Samvedna Senior Care. Evolved for the well-being of the elderly, we understand the crucial role you are playing as a caregiver of your older adult who has dementia. You are doing a tremendous job, and we are here to share the concerns you may be facing due to the lockdown. It is vital to keep yourself and your elderly home and quarantined. For you, we have the online counsellor support. You can book a session here and gather caregiver training on dementia. Know the tips and techniques to manage your elderly with dementia while taking care of yourself. Book online and interact with the counsellor from home. Stay home, stay safe!
from Samvedna Senior Care
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