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Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors

Diabetes can cause a whole lot of health problems in those who have it. While there are two main types of diabetes, today you will learn more about the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. Knowing more about these risk factors can help you to prevent your elderly loved one from getting it.


One of the main risk factors for Type 2 diabetes is weight. When someone is overweight or obese, they are much more likely to get this type of diabetes. The excess fat creates cells that are resistant to proper insulin use. Due to this, medical insulin is often needed to keep the body stable. If your loved one is overweight or obese, work with them to lose weight. You or their senior care providers can go on regular walks with them to help them lose weight.

Family History

Family history is another one of the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. If a sibling or a parent of your elderly loved one has this type of diabetes, then it is more likely they will, as well. There isn’t much that can be done about this risk factor. However, it is good to know where your elderly loved one stands in this aspect.


Another risk factor for Type 2 diabetes is inactivity. If your elderly loved one doesn’t move around much, they aren’t expending much energy. This can make their cells less reactive to insulin levels. If your loved one isn’t moving around much, work with them to get them active. You may want to get them on a walk every morning. Maybe in the early afternoon, you can have them do some exercises.


Unfortunately, everyone gets older and there is nothing that can be done about that. However, it is good to know that those who are 45 and older have a higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. This is because it is more difficult for them to lose weight, exercise, and keep their muscle mass.

High Blood Pressure

If someone has high blood pressure, over 140/90 mmHg, they are much more likely to have Type 2 diabetes, as well. If this is the case for your elderly loved one, work on things that help them to lower their blood pressure. Reducing their stress levels is one of the best things you can help them with.

Gestational Diabetes

If your elderly loved one had gestational diabetes when they were pregnant, they have an increased risk of getting Type 2 diabetes later on in their life.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Women who have polycystic ovary syndrome don’t have regular menstrual periods. They also are generally overweight or obese. This will increase their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

These are some of the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes. If your elderly loved one has these risk factors, in some instances, there are things you can do to help them prevent Type 2 diabetes.


When you are in need of care for a senior loved one, consider caregivers provided by Golden Heart Senior Care. We have offices nationwide. For more information, call us today at (800) 601-2792.

The post Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors appeared first on Golden Heart Senior Care.

from Golden Heart Senior Care


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