Is your elderly living in an elder care facility? Do you feel you need to do more for them? Well, shifting your elderly in an elder home may not be an easy decision for you and your older adult. Nevertheless, you get an assurance that your elderly benefits with quality care. Along with care, you can work on improving their quality of life too. There are various things you can do to ensure that they feel loved, protected and respected.
Some of the ways you can take the plunge include
Get Counselling Sessions Organised: Many things start affecting your elderly with age. Being idle, any age-related disorder, the demise of a close one or even shifting to the eldercare facility can trigger depression tendency. So, you can seek the help of a professional counsellor who can talk to your older adult and help them overcome such a trend.
If you are looking for such counselling sessions, which can get arranged even at the facility, then Samvedna Care counsellors can help. The team at Samvedna specialises in retirement planning, age-related disorders counselling, family and caregiver counselling. So, you can contact the Samvedna Senior Care centre, discuss the issues irking your elderly and one of our professionals can help. Depression is a serious concern among the elderly and studies indicate that most people over 65 years of age get affected by depression.
Keep them Physically & Mentally Active: Regular physical activity is a must for your older adults. If they are living in an assisted facility, you should help arrange for a professional who can visit them and engage them in some physical activity and brain-stimulating games. This can go a long way in keeping them happy, engaged and active. Studies indicate that even gentle physical activities can boost the immunity of your elderly, improve their sleep quality, heart health, strength and stamina. Even simple brain games like crossword, sudoku and puzzles and reading can facilitate mental stimulation.
Do you want an experienced professional to visit your elderly and take them for a stroll or engage them in some mind-stimulating activities? Well, Samvedna Care in Delhi can come to your aid. We offer intellectual companionship, general well-being and personal care services. You can discuss at the eldercare facility and inform us about the time and duration for which you need our services. Accordingly, you can book intellectual companionship services on our website and ensure the overall well-being of your elderly.
Extend Personal Care: When living in eldercare facility and experiencing any mobility concerns, you can provide help to your elderly in the form of a personal assistant. Someone who can go there and be with your elderly every morning and help them in daily activities like toileting, bathing, feeding and personal grooming.
If you need such personal care services for your elderly, then you can trust Samvedna Senior Care. You can rely on us for assistance services, activities of daily living and diet management. Our professionals can also do a 12-hour shift and be there for your elderly. You can connect with us, and we will ensure that they feel cared and loved.
Along with taking care of your elderly with the above means, you can also depend on Samvedna team for complete health care, lab tests and emergency support. Such efforts from your end will ensure your elderly benefits with a quality life. For comprehensive senior care, speak to Samvedna Care Team and show you care.
from Samvedna Senior Care
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