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Holiday Travel Tips for Seniors


Traveling may be one of the best gifts for mom or dad. The trip may be to visit family for the holidays, an adventure to a destination, or even a return home.  Since planning trips can be hard and time-consuming, we have drafted a list of travel tips for seniors to make sure you get to your destination safe and sound!


Visit Your Doctor


Before you plan anything trip-related, it’s important to plan a trip to the doctor first. Your doctor will be sure to clear your loved one safe for travel and can give you recommendations on vaccines and medications to make sure that your loved senior stays healthy. Note that it’s very important to follow your doctor’s advice. Make sure you bring all the recommended medications. A change in a routine or schedule can cause some people to lose track of time, so be sure to schedule that appointment before time slips away from you.


Request and Reserve Elderly Accommodations


These requests such as seat assignments in the rows designated for disabled travelers, wheelchair service at the airports, and meal service aboard are very important.  If your loved one is traveling alone make sure your senior will have all the assistance needed. If you don’t make and confirm all of these requests at the time of reservation, the services may not be available at the airline, train, etc.


Prepare Documentation


If you are traveling outside of the country, make sure you prepare the documents for receiving your government passport. If you or your loved senior doesn’t already have one, consider applying months prior to your travel. Also, make time to request copies of prescriptions and statements of medical conditions from their physicians. Make multiple copies of passports, driver’s licenses, Medicare and insurance cards, travel tickets, itinerary, boarding passes, etc. Place one complete set in your loved one’s carry-on bag as well as keeping a copy for yourself.


Pack Appropriately


Knowing what to pack will make the entire process much easier. Even if you’re just going to your relative’s house for a couple of days, it’s important to know what’s on the itinerary. This will make packing a breeze. For example, if you are going ice-skating,  make sure to pack a heavy jacket, gloves, and a hat.


If you’re flying, check with TSA regulations to make sure all your essentials are in your carry-on bag. Include one set of clothes in your carry-on in case your luggage gets misplaced.


Think About Senior’s Safety, Security, and Comfort


Elderly loved ones can be seen as vulnerable. Don’t give thieves the opportunity to take advantage of them. Maybe instead of your loved senior carrying a purse, supply them with a money bet worn under their shirt, or a hidden wallet in a secret pocket in their winter coat. If traveling alone, advise them to always keep their carry-on bag between their feet when standing, or with a strap looped around the leg of your chair when sitting.  Think about their comfort on the plane, consider packing along or purchasing a neck pillow that supports their neck and head.


Plan for Crowds


The holidays are no doubt a busy time for traveling. AAA”S travel forecast for the holidays has been increasing every year since 2008, and this year is no different. Nearly 50 million Americans traveled more than 50 miles for Thanksgiving weekend, and that was just on the roads. Plan for traffic jams, and if your flying, plan to arrive at the airport extra early. If your loved senior is traveling alone you can ask for assistance at the security checkpoint to make things go a little faster.



The holiday season is a hectic one. If you followed these tips and tricks given to you by Freedom Home Care you’ll be ready for almost anything that this trip can throw your way! If you are in need of some assistance in getting your senior ready for your next trip, reach out to us here at Freedom Home Care. We will work with you and help every step of the way. We can help provide any type of documentation to help make the process that much easier.

The post Holiday Travel Tips for Seniors appeared first on Freedom Home Care.

from Freedom Home Care


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