Lack of awareness and choosing to remain in denial are the main reasons why mental health issues in youth are allowed to linger without any intervention. The social stigma attached to mental health issues and the lingering hope that things will sort themselves out as the child grows up leads to an aggravation of issues to a point of no return. According to WHO reports one in every seven adolescents suffers from mental health issues . Unfortunately, 75 percent of young people who have mental health problems do not receive the necessary treatment. Focus on mental health is as important as the attention given to food and physical health in children. It is essential that the emotional well-being of adolescents is handled with care by parents. You might need a combination of patience and love to handle their concerns with care and help them grow up to be well-balanced adults who can deal with the curve balls life is ready to throw at them. What can help adolescents stay mentally healthy...
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