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Showing posts from August, 2020

How to ensure elders’ well-being when staying away from them

You would have planned to provide your elders with the same amount of care and love as they had bestowed upon you. But, due to your career choices, you might have to stay away from home and can feel that there isn’t much you can do while being far away. However, you should not let the distance come in the way of proper care. There are a plethora of ways in which you can ensure the elders’ well-being while staying away from them. We have curated the list below. Check up on them regularly Keep a tab on the elderly’s health by staying in touch with them. You can call them daily and inquire if they are doing fine and taking all the medicines. You can set reminders on their phones so they can have the medicines as per the schedule. You can even choose our “Health Package” that includes a monthly doctor visit, medicine reordering, pillbox management, and checking of vitals regularly. Along with the doctor’s visit, a nurse or a Care Manager will pay 4 visits per month to keep a tab on

Facing the Unknown After Discharge

George gripped his wife Anne’s hand tightly as the ambulance rushed them to the hospital. As George looked at her lying on the stretcher, he could tell she was in immense pain. Guilt and worry overcame him as he replayed her fall in his mind. Earlier that day, Anne left their breakfast table to get George’s cane from the living room. She accidentally caught her foot on their rug and with nothing in reach to break her fall, she collapsed on the wooden floor. The EMTs in the ambulance suspected that Anne had broken her hip. At the hospital, doctors confirmed the injury. George and Anne were braced for the worst when the doctors said she would need surgery. However, they assured the couple that everything would go smoothly. Anne’s hip was soon surgically replaced with a titanium rod. A while later, Anne was finally well enough to go home. The doctors instructed Anne and George of their orders for rehabilitation of her hip. Anne would need physical therapy, medication, a wheelchair, ch

How to take care of physically ill or post-operative elders at home

  Caring for a physically ill or post-operative elder at home might not be as easy as it sounds. As older adults are weak and have limited mobility, they should be looked after with extra care and compassion. With proper caution and supervision, the elderly will heal properly in due course of time. You can follow the below mentioned ways to take care of the physically ill or post-operative elder at home and ensure they get back on their feet as soon as possible. Get a doctor’s consultation at home Physically ill or post-operative elders might require regular checkups by the doctor. As he/she might not be in a position to commute to the doctor, you can book an appointment for a home check-up. Prepare a list of doctors beforehand, which can come handy during an emergency. In case you are unable to find a trusted specialized doctor, we are here for you. Samvedna Care offers doctor consultation for senior citizen care at home . The general physician pays a visit to the elderly with

Celebrating Senior Citizens Day

There is a lot to celebrate today on Senior Citizens Day! One of the best things about growing older is becoming a master of “the zinger,” as Ronald Reagan demonstrated during the second presidential debate with Walter Mondale on Oct. 21, 1984. Age had become an issue during Reagan’s reelection campaign and was viewed then as a vulnerability. He fielded this pointed question from debate panelist and Baltimore Sun reporter Henry Trewhitt: “You already are the oldest President in history, and some of your staff say you were tired after your most recent encounter with Mr. Mondale. I recall, yes, that President Kennedy, who had to go for days on end with very little sleep during the Cuba missile crisis. Is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances?” Reagan’s quick reply instantly became political legend: “Not at all, Mr. Trewhitt and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit for polit

Confused about counselling? Here’s a quick guide to all you need to know!

What is meant by Counselling? According to the American Counselling Association, counselling can be defined as “the application of mental health, psychological or human development principles, through cognitive, affective, behavioural, or systemic interventions, strategies that address wellness, personal growth, or career development as well as pathology”. It is a structured format in which a counsellor collaborates with clients in finding solutions for their problems. How is it different from talking to a friend or family member? Counselling is based on three pillars of confidentiality, non- judgmental relationship and professional approaches. Confidentiality Counsellors recognize that trust is a cornerstone of the counselling relationship. It is the ethical duty of a counsellor to keep the information revealed by the client confidential. Every client has the right to choose the time, circumstances and extent to which they wish to share or withhold personal information. Confi

Enjoyable Activity Ideas for Seniors That Improve Quality of Life

Millions of people in the United States have found themselves in a role of providing senior care for an older family member, and although being a family caregiver is exceedingly fulfilling in many ways, the day-to-day responsibilities involved with senior care can come to be tedious for both the caregiver and the older adult. Heaven at Home Senior Care, providers of the professional senior care Frisco and the greater Dallas area residents need, wants to help you in putting the fun back in your loved one’s everyday life. All it requires is a little ingenuity! Try some of these enjoyable activity ideas for seniors to help brighten your loved one’s day and make everyday senior care more interesting: Add Style These suggestions can add some style and fun to dressing, doing laundry, and other tasks: Ask the older adult to assist with laundry (sorting/folding/putting away). Use this time to talk about your day, a television show you both like, etc. Flip through magazines and catalogs


Leading Senior Care Franchise Continues to Grow Footprint Across Home State Always Best Care Senior Services, one of the leading senior care franchise systems in the United States, announced today the opening of its newest location in Thousand Oaks, California. Located at 509 Marin St., Suite 227, Always Best Care of Thousand Oaks is owned and operated by new franchisee Tom Herring, and will provide award-winning senior care services to communities throughout the Conejo Valley, from Thousand Oaks to Malibu. Tom is joined by his wife Mary Ellen, who will assist with some of the day-to-day operations of the new business, as well as Ellen Elliott-Applegate, who will serve as the agency’s care coordinator and sales director, and Erin Pickerel as client care supervisor. “Tom and Mary Ellen embody the qualities that we look for in our franchise owners: compassion and an unwavering dedication to positively impact the quality of people’s lives. During such unprecedented times, these charact

How to look after the mental health of elders

Older adults have a lot coming their way in terms of mobility issues, diminished immunity, and health problems. This is accompanied by isolation and limited social interaction that leads to the feeling of loneliness. The same causes stress, anxiety, depression, low self-worth, and lack of motivation. However, by taking proper measures, it is possible to take care of the mental health of the elderly and ensure their overall well-being. Read on to know-how. Encourage the elders to talk it out With a decline in functional ability, rising health problems, and plenty of free time after retirement, the elderly are most likely to succumb to negative thinking and depression. This can be altered to some extent if the elderly start to express their concerns and obstacles. You would need to take out time and help them unwind. This will motivate them to speak up about the hindrances that are bothering them. Moreover, make it a point to spend some quality time with them or contact them daily

UTI Symptoms in Elderly Adults

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more common in elderly adults than any other age group. UTIs are not only more common in the aging population, but UTI symptoms in elderly people can also be more complicated than in younger patients with the same illness. Let’s take a look at some signs of UTI in elderly people and the effects of UTI on the elderly. Early signs of a developing UTI are: Burning with urination Urgency Pressure in the pelvis or lower abdomen Cloudy or foul-smelling urine Feeling like the bladder is not empty after urination Lower back pain or discomfort Fever Nausea Blood in the urine Feeling tired or fatigued UTI and confusion in elderly patients sometimes go hand in hand. If your loved one suddenly seems confused or disoriented it could be a complication caused by a urinary tract infection. UTI memory loss in elderly people is another unusual, yet common symptom of a UTI infection. UTI delirium in elderly patients can occur. Antipsychotic medications

Planning for Aging Parents Who May Need Different Types of Senior Care

Everyone ages differently. While some age-related changes are inevitable, such as slower reflexes and vision challenges, other issues can vary greatly from person to person. Lifestyle and to a lessor degree, genetics, are key determinants in how healthy you are at every age . This is important information to keep in mind as you search for a senior living community, whether for yourself, a spouse or aging parents. It might be that a senior is active and independent at the time of a move, but what happens when needs change? Understanding Care Options in a Senior Living Community Moving is tough at every age, but more so for older adults. This is why making a second move during the retirement years is something to avoid if possible. Understanding what types of care a senior community offers and what happens if care needs change over time are important issues to address before making a decision to relocate. This includes if one parent needs more or different care than another. If you

The Health Benefits of Caring With Compassion

As the pandemic continues, a renewed focus on compassion has emerged to push back against feelings of isolation, uncertainty and fears about the coronavirus. Typically, many of us consciously or subconsciously reject the idea of becoming more compassionate. Compassion often is seen as weakness and the assumption is that compassionate people are the first ones to get taken advantage of and spend most of their time exhausted from putting everyone else before themselves. But research tells a different story. “When empathic communication and compassion exists, clinical teams are more effective, morale is higher, patient safety and satisfaction is higher, and fulfilling the organizational mission is more likely,” according to a study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. “Kindness and compassion not only benefit ‘those who receive it but also to those who offer it’ and is the motivation why many are drawn to healthcare practice,” the NCBI notes. Rather than being exhauste

Cataracts in Seniors | Senior Care Options

“My mother has been complaining about blurry vision, and I am concerned she might be developing cataracts. I don’t know how she is going to adjust if she loses her sight! Is there anything that we can do, or is it too late to save her vision?” – Silvia from Woodstock   If your loved … Continue reading Cataracts in Seniors | Senior Care Options → The post Cataracts in Seniors | Senior Care Options appeared first on Aging Life Care Association . from Aging Life Care AssociationAging Life Care Association via IFTTT

Keeping Seniors Active And Engaged: It’s Important For Health

Is your older loved one participating in activities on a daily basis, or is he/she stuck in a rut that predominantly is comprised of watching television, eating, and sleeping? Particularly during this time of quarantining and isolation, it can be difficult to maintain an active and engaged way of life – but keeping seniors active is vitally important for their health and wellness. At Heaven at Home Senior Care , we believe that augmenting senior home care services with enjoyable activities is a key element to ensuring the highest quality of life. Heaven at Home Senior Care is one of the most trusted Denton senior care providers, partly because we believe the older adults we serve deserve to be honored with activities that are pleasurable and help them stay involved in living life to the fullest every day. This means personalizing activities to correspond to each senior’s distinct interests, hobbies, and ability levels. Our person-centered care commences with discovering as much as po

Checklist: Protect Yourself or a Loved One from Elder Abuse

Elder abuse is real and more common than you think. You or a loved one may be at risk because as seniors age, they increasingly become targets for scammers, con artists and abusers. Seniors can become easy victims for  scams  because often they are isolated, lonely and tend to be trusting. Many seniors may suffer from memory loss or dementia, leaving them even more vulnerable to scams. Seniors are often a big target because they are thought to have substantial amounts of money, but even  those on a fixed income  are targeted. The epidemic of elder abuse has been worsening in recent years, and the current pandemic has sparked new scams related to COVID-19. It’s become more important for seniors to understand how to protect themselves. The first step is identifying the types of elder abuse and their frequency: Neglect and Self-Neglect (29%) – The failure to provide the goods or services necessary for avoiding physical harm, mental anguish or mental illness, e.g., abandonment, denial


By – Shreosi Mondal, Intern, Samvedna Senior Care Caregiver… how do we define a caregiver? As per APA (American Psychological Association) caregiver is a person who attends to the needs of and provides assistance to someone else who is unable to take care of themselves. But is it just limited to providing care? Caregiving involves responsibility, affection and respect towards the person who needs care. A caregiver can be either a paid professional or an informal caregiver. In the process of caregiving, the caregiver goes through emotional and physical strains. Some caregivers may feel overwhelmed by the amount of care they have to provide. Caregivers may find this role very stressful which is known as caregiver stress. The caregivers who go through such stress can feel overwhelmed, lonely, sleeplessness, loss or gain of appetite, tiredness, loss of interest, irritation, and worry. Caregiver role can be really challenging which can lead to: Depression and anxiety: Taking care of